Support > Forums > OpenBots Studio > Problem with some characters using Native Browser Get Table
Hope all is well. I am facing a problem when i am trying to get table information from a web page. The table has 6 rows but in some rows when i pass the table to a datatable and then to excel, the process put special chactars to replace letters. This problem is not with all rows, is random
For example:
Firts Row has the following text: "[LD] Compra de suministros de oficina Encargado de publicación, gestión de objeciones y apertura : JACQUELINE RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ " and it's ok.
Second Row has the following text: "[LD] ART��CULO Y MATERIALES PARA USO M��DICO Y HOSPITALARIO Encargado de publicación, gestión de objeciones y apertura : JORGE LUIS MARIN PORRAS".
How can i fix this problem?
I'll stay tuned for your comments
This forum has 317 topics, 687 replies, and was last updated 4 months ago by Nataly Alvarado...
Hi ti-distribucion,
The issue is related to the accent marks included in some of the table fields.
We have opened a research ticket to investigate support for this unknown characters.
In the meantime, you can replace the special characters with question marks "?" using a unicode conversion.
For example: System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ASCII").GetBytes("YOUR TEXT"))
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