Support > Forums > OpenBots Studio > Problem running bot through Cloud Server using Agent

Problem running bot through Cloud Server using Agent

TI Distribucion

  • Reporter
  • Calender Icon March 22,2023 at 7:06 PM


Hope all is well. I am facing a problem when i try to execute a bot from cloud server using an agent installed in a machine. The bot is used to open a webpage to extract some information filling some parameters . The problem is that when bot is running through Cloud server, this parameters are not filling , it's like bot do not know where it has to navigate into the webpage. The bot works fine in open studio.


This forum has 317 topics, 688 replies, and was last updated 13 days ago by Sainath S

TI Distribucion

  • Participant
  • Calender Icon March 22,2023 at 9:55 PM


Agent/Studio version: 2.0.0

Is the job an attended or unattended automation (is the user session open, closed or minimized at time of execution)​- Is Agent connected to Server?

Is unattended, the agent is in a virtual machine connected to cloud server and everytime job runs, it Starts New Session.

What error do you encounter when running from Server? System.Exception: Unable to process request within the allowed time. Error: Element not found!

Nataly Alvarado...

  • Participant
  • Calender Icon March 22,2023 at 8:40 PM

​Please confirm the following information:

  • Agent/Studio version
  • Is the job an attended or unattended automation (is the user session open, closed or minimized at time of execution) ​- Is Agent connected to Server?
  • What error do you encounter when running from Server? (share error log if available)

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