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Google forms Submit button (v1.7)

David Santos

  • Reporter
  • Calender Icon December 16,2021 at 4:40 PM

Hi Openbots experts.

I got this message when trying to click the Submit botton of a google forms:

Source: 'C:\Users%user%\OneDrive\Documentos\OpenBots Studio\OB Scripts\NewEmployees\Main.obscript', Line: 25 - 'Native Browser Click Element [Left Click Click '"XPath" = "/html/body/div[1]/div[3]/form/div[2]/div/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div/span/span"' - Instance Name 'BwDf']', Type: 'OverflowException', Message: 'Valor demasiado grande o demasiado peque�o para Int32.'

To capture the Xpath of the button I have used different methods (direct copy of the xPath including the value from the inspect, capture via "native element recorder" of the "Native browser click Element") but the error is the same.

Could you provide guidance?


This forum has 314 topics, 681 replies, and was last updated 8 days ago by Support Agent

Lakshmi Sukumar

  • Participant
  • Calender Icon December 17,2021 at 9:47 PM

Hi David,

there shouldn't be any difference between the Selenium Click and Native Browser Click, specially if you are using the same Xpath to find the element.

The main difference in the Native Browser click is that we support two types of click: Mouse Click and Simulate Click. The mouse click type will actually move the cursor to the desired position and perform the click, while simulate click will just simulate the action by sending background events.

The error you mention in this post doesn't seem related to the bot's ability to find the element, but some other interference. Could you please check if you are using the Mouse Click option or Simulate Click option?

If you are using Mouse Click, please verify the X Adjustment and Y Adjustment fields. They should be set to 0 as default and can be set as an integer value. If using Simulate, then verify the Open Link Option value.

In both cases, validate that the Timeout field has a valid input.

Please let me know your findings!

David Santos

  • Participant
  • Calender Icon December 16,2021 at 9:41 PM

Hi again. I just found out that using the Selenium commands (click element) with the same Xpath values does not retrieve any error and works perfectly. Should the native browser click element command be used in a different way from its equivalent under the Selenium scope? Regards.

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