Support > Forums > OpenBots Studio > GET FILE


Alberto Zamora

  • Reporter
  • Calender Icon October 07,2022 at 1:35 PM

Hello OpenBots team.

I search for files in a local folder with names of 40 or more characters. How can I search for one but only have a part of the names?

Can I use regular expressions, or is there another way or command?

Thanks. Greetings.

I use version 1.8.1 of OpenBots.

This forum has 314 topics, 681 replies, and was last updated 20 days ago by Support Agent

Nataly Alvarado...

  • Participant
  • Calender Icon October 07,2022 at 4:05 PM

Hi Alberto,

You can use the Get Files command to get all file paths found in a specific folder. Then, you would be able filter that list based on your criteria to find the file path you need. This path can be used as input for other commands.

Hope this helps!

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