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Extract text from repetitive web element

Athul Kakathkar

  • Reporter
  • Calender Icon April 15,2021 at 12:01 PM

  1. How can I extract the text of repetitive elements on a webpage using web commands ?
  2. How do I navigate to a specific link on a page, navigate back to the same page and then navigate to another page for specific number of times ?

This forum has 316 topics, 681 replies, and was last updated 3 days ago by Faheem Syed


  • Participant
  • Calender Icon April 16,2021 at 3:17 PM

Im a noob here but these are my suggestion:

  1. How can I extract the text of repetitive elements on a webpage using web commands ? Easy Option
  • Use the command Web Browser Commands \ Element Action to get the value from the element.
  • Use the web element recorder button to record interaction with the elements.

Advanced Option

  1. How do I navigate to a specific link on a page, navigate back to the same page and then navigate to another page for specific number of times ?
  • use variables to store the links for navigating back and/or for other pages.
  • navigating to specific link on the webpage can be done using the web recorder. there are 3 functions under Web Browser Commands - Navigate to URL, Navigate Back, Navigate Forward

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