Support > Forums > OpenBots Studio > Browser - Set Text - Reusable / Inputfields un expected behavior

Browser - Set Text - Reusable / Inputfields un expected behavior

Gabriel Diaz

  • Reporter
  • Calender Icon October 18,2022 at 4:02 PM

I got two issues trying to create and automation for this page :

The first one is when I am trying to set the text for the input field Amount. When I am using Selenium commands I have a problem that I can rewrite the input field a second time (It is important to say that I don't close and open again the session). Moreover, when I´m doing it with the Native Browser commands I have the same issue but from the first Iteration, my first impression is that it can handle cleaning the input field once the user has already written something in it.

The second issue is with the input field "To" in exchange for the "From" input when I am writing the currency I have a problem that selects another coin, I manage to solve it by adding a delay but I still got the feeling that there is something weird with this behavior

This forum has 314 topics, 681 replies, and was last updated 25 days ago by Support Agent

Rushabh Arbat

  • Participant
  • Calender Icon November 04,2022 at 8:45 AM

Hi Gabriel Diaz,

​We recommend using the Native Browser commands over Selenium, as the product team will continue to build and improve on the Native Browser commands for web interaction. For the Native browser set text command try to record a cursor part and make sure the clear text Yes I am not getting your second issue, but if you want to select currency from dropdown then we have Native Browser Set Option command and if you want to click on exchange button for that we have Native Browser Click Element command.


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