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developer certificate

Chantha HUY

  • Reporter
  • Calender Icon July 28,2023 at 1:23 PM

Dear OpenBots team,

I am writing to request that you unlock my account so that I can take the quizzes I need to pass the exam. I have not been able to pass the quizzes because my account is locked.

I understand that you may have locked my account because I have been acess more time to quiz. However, I believe that I can pass the quizzes if I am given the opportunity. I have been studying for the exams and I am confident that I can pass them.

I would be grateful if you would unlock my account so that I can take the quizzes and pass the exam.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, Chantha

This forum has 46 topics, 112 replies, and was last updated yesterday by Faheem Syed

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